
Saturday, 29 November 2014

Estranged Notions: What Racism Reveals About God and Man

Belated link to yesterday's post:

What Racism Reveals About God and Man

As usual, there is no actual attempt to engage with secular concepts of ethics, just a brute denial that they exist. (Really need an even more disparaging tag than "drivel" for these kinds of posts.)

Monday, 24 November 2014

Estranged Notions: The Absolute Uniqueness of Unconditioned Reality

Today's post:

The Absolute Uniqueness of Unconditioned Reality

Not sure of the authorship here? It's attributed to Brandon, but supposedly part of Karlo's series; I suspect some posting mistake.

Sunday, 23 November 2014

Guest Post: Geena Safire's response to “The Dying of the Brights”

This is a guest post; the views expressed are those of the contributor, and not of the site owner.

by Geena Safire

This is a fisking of Matthew Becklo's article at Catholic apologetics site Strange Notions, The Dying of the Brights, posted on 11/21/2014

The crowd, gathered to hear Richard Dawkins debate the Archbishop of Sydney, Cardinal George Pell...

Saturday, 22 November 2014

No Teleology in Nature


We think in teleological terms all the time. We can't help it.

Friday, 14 November 2014

Estranged Notions: Revisiting the Argument from Desire

Today's post:

Revisiting the Argument from Desire

More attempts to enshrine human cognitive flaws as somehow indicative of the structure of reality.

Thursday, 13 November 2014

Wednesday, 5 November 2014

Estranged Notions: How to Perfectly Know the Existence of God

Yadda yadda contingent yadda necessary yadda yadda Aquinas. Haven't we seen all of this before?

How to Perfectly Know the Existence of God