Today's post:
Atheists More Motivated By Compassion Than The Faithful?
Old news about silly social-psychology experiment.
When the gods are shaken from the sky,
there's a scientific reason why.
There's no wish to replace them
and no-one's rushing in to win
the race to fill the empty space
— All About Eve, "Outshine The Sun"
Today's post:
Atheists More Motivated By Compassion Than The Faithful?
Old news about silly social-psychology experiment.
Today's post:
Today's post:
Today's post:
Quantum Physics and Bodily Resurrection
Plumbing new depths of idiocy in quantum theology.
Today's post:
Seven Proofs for the Natural Immortality of the Human Soul
"Proofs" they aren't. Also extra penalty points for using the disgusting exploitation of Antony Flew as an (irrelevant) jumping-off point for the article.
Today's post:
Today's post:
Today's post:
For all that this is from Paul Rimmer rather than one of the usual suspects, it still earns the drivel tag honestly.
Today's post:
Is Richard Dawkins Close to Christianity?
More confirmation of that law about questions in headlines.
Today's post:
An Atheist Historian Examines the Evidence for Jesus (Part 1 of 2)
I've been following a time-saving policy for the last 5 or so months of not bothering to read or engage significantly with historicist posts, because with Carrier's book completed (and due for publication this month), it is unlikely that any recent argument from the historicist side actually adds anything useful to the debate. Any arguments that might be valid would be better addressed after the book is out.